The Ultimate Oil for Your Skin and Hair.

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This is the list of ingredients and the recipe to an amazing oil that I use on may hair and skin. I originally started out mixing a natural oil to try and soothe my Dermatitis and my Eczema. When I started using this mix I discovered all of the other benefits it provides. I now have great skin, hair and no longer have breakouts to the extreme that my skin blisters and cracks. if you decide to try it out please let me know how it works for you. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to get in contact with me.

Kevala Sweet Almond Oil, 1/2 Gallon

Kevala sweet almond oil is the first ingredient in this oil. Sweet almond oil is a great oil for softening and hydrating your skin. Sweet almond oil also creates a barrier that helps to protect your skin by kicking up your natural skin’s moisture retention abilities and helping to stop your skin from losing the moisture it already has. It can help to hydrate the scalp and prevent hair loss from hair friction. This is a 64oz jug.

Amson Naturals Castor Oil

The second ingredient that you are going to need is castor oil. Castor oil has so many benefits to the body. Castor oil can reduce wrinkles, Fight acne, reduce puffiness, soften, overall promote your skins health. Castor oil is antibacterial, antifungal, can reduce dandruff, and can boost hair growth to 5 times its normal rate. This is a 64oz jug.

Premium Naturals Rosehip Oil

The next thing you will need is rosehip oil. Rosehip oil has been known to brighten your skin, prevent blackheads, and reduce inflammation. There are also claims that it can treat eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. I have dermatitis, and this oil is the only thing that stops me from itching. Rosehip oil keeps scalp and hair nourished and helps dry hair regain moisture which can repair damaged hair and temporarily minimize the effects of split ends. This is a 16oz jug.

Foothills Naturals Whole Calendula Flowers

The second last thing that you are going to need in the oil is calendula flowers. These flowers are amazing, they can reduce redness, soothe skin, and treat diaper rash.  Calendula flowers also help with the growth and thickening of your hair. This is a 1lb bag.

Mystic Moments Niaouli 100% Pure Essential Oil

Niaouli is a powerhouse when it comes to essential oils. Niaouli balances out your skin properties, cleanses deeply, and helps to smooth as well. Niaouli oil will help cleanse your scalp, balance the PH balance levels of your hair, and strengthen hair follicles to help reduce breakage. This is a 100ml bottle.

5L Folding Bucket With Lid

You are going to need a bucket with a lid. I really like these ones because they are collapsible and I live in a small 2 bedroom apartment. You can get this bucket of use one that you may already have, but please remember to make sure it is clean, dry, and sanitized.

4oz Amber Dropper Bottle

Dropper bottles come in really handy with this oil because a little bit goes a very long way. I ordered these to keep the oil for my face in and ordered bigger bottles without the dropper to keep the rest of the oil in. I recommend the amber bottles no matter which ones you get because the help keep your oil from breaking down faster so that when you use it it is at it top performing condition.

3 Piece Fine Mesh Strainer

You will also need a strainer. The strainer is to take out all of the flowers once they have soaked so that you are not rubbing flower bits on your face with your oil.

Next Steps

Below is my favorite way to mix the oil. I usually do this in my big bucket and let the flowers soak in the oil for 2 hours minimum. I then strain the oil and put it into the little bottles listed. I have included a breakdown recipe in case you do not want to spend all the money up front for the bigger bottles. I know that the price tag for everything can seem steep, but I was making Christmas presents for all of my co-workers and family. Plus I wanted the feed back from them before putting out an article about it. I have included links to smaller bottles beside the smaller quantity recipe.

Large Quantity Mix

  • 64 Ounces Sweet Almond Oil
  • 64 Ounces Castor Oil
  • 16 Ounces Rosehip Oil
  • 2 Cups Calendula Flowers
  • 4 Tbs Niaouli Essential Oil

Smaller Quantity

  • 8 Ounces Sweet Almond Oil

  • 8 Ounces Castor Oil

  • 2 Ounces Rosehip Oil

  • 1/4 Cups Calendula Flowers

  • 1.5 Tsp Niaouli Essential Oi


With either recipe combine all of the ingredients in a bucket with a lid. Let the mixture sit overnight or longer depending on the potency you want for the flowers. Strain mixture into a bowl or another bucket with a fine mesh strainer in order to remove the flower buds, seeds, and pedals. Separate into dropper bottles and it is ready to use. Make sure to lightly shake the dropper bottle before use so that the ingredients are evenly combined for use. Make sure to test out the oil on a patch of skin because it is all natural ingredients, but people can still have allergies. Remember that results vary person to person and adjustments can be made to the oil to make it more effective. For example you can add Tee Tree Essential oil if you have stubborn acne or add other essential oils as you see fit.